Southwest Shootout Tournament Rules
Individual Tournament Rules: 3 minute time limit with 10-second-grace-period, no props, no musical accompaniment, no costumes. 5 Judges, high & low score dropped, 3 median scores added to give the poet their score. .5 point deduction for every 10-second interval the poet gives over time. 4 poems needed to win. 2 Poems for Preliminaries, 2 […]
Southwest Shootout is Coming! August 9th & 10th! Registration Open Now – July 31st!
Greetings everyone! The 16th Annual Southwest Shootout Regional Poetry Slam Championship Is coming to Albuquerque, NM! Friday & Saturday, August 9th & 10th. Registration for teams is $200 & Individual Registration is $40. 1st – 4th Place prizes will be a tiered split of total team registration fees. Registration will be capped at 16-20 teams. […]
Cathy Cook Wins the Albuquerque Poetry Slam Triple Crown
Before a packed house at the Outpost Performance Space, Cathy Cook took first place and claimed the Albuquerque Poetry Slam Women’s Championship. Her victory caps off a perfect season, claiming the ABQ Slams City Championship as well as the UNM Loboslam Championship. Making her the first poet to ever win all 3 tournaments in the […]
25 Years of Albuquerque Poetry Slam: Demographics Data
Juliette Torrez founded the Albuquerque Poetry Slam in 1994 after headlining on the Lolapalooza tour. Yes, THAT Lolapalooza. When interviewed by PBS for the documentary, “Summon the Fire,” about her role in pioneering the Burque Poetry Scene, she gave this humble response with a smile, “It’s not about me, it’s about the poets.” These words […]
ABQ Women of the World Poetry Slam Championship
Join us as we crown a new ABQ Slams WOW Champion. See Albuquerque’s top Women performance poets battle to represent the Duke City at the Women of the World Poetry Slam in March 2015 in Downtown Burque. Hosted by Jessica Helen Lopez Follow the link for more info. See you there!
Sister Outsider – Denice Frohman and Dominique Christina
Women of the World 2015 Fundraiser Features National Poetry Slam and Women of the World Champions: Denise Frohman and Dominique Christina Come down to the Harwood Art Center on November 11th at 7PM for an excellent night of poetry. Don’t miss out!
Final Friday is Cancelled for Halloween
All Hallow’s Eve is a holy day at Winning Coffee. October Final Friday falls on Halloween, so let’s enjoy the evening. Go piss off a bruja or un espiritú, poets. We’ll see you for your regularly scheduled Final Friday in November.
ABQ Slams Poets Rep the Duke City at IWPS
ABQ Slams City Champion, Mercedez Holtry, places 31st at the Individual World Poetry Slam Championship in Phoenix, AZ, including a 2nd and 3rd place finish in the 4 and 3 minute rounds. Also, Damien Flores won the Last Chance Slam and advanced all the way to the finals, finishing in 6th place. Good job, poets!
Christina Perez Features at Lobo Slam! Wednesday October 15th @ Winning Coffee
The inaugural Lobo Slam will feature touring poet, Christina Perez! Open mic and poetry slam as well. The slam will count as a qualifier for the UNM Lobo Slam Team, Women of the World ABQ, and the ABQ Slam Team. Show starts at 7 PM. Don’t miss it!