Juliette Torrez founded the Albuquerque Poetry Slam in 1994 after headlining on the Lolapalooza tour. Yes, THAT Lolapalooza.
When interviewed by PBS for the documentary, “Summon the Fire,” about her role in pioneering the Burque Poetry Scene, she gave this humble response with a smile, “It’s not about me, it’s about the poets.”
These words of our founding Slam Mistress have been the ethos of ABQ Slams for a quarter-century.
In celebration of 25 years of poetry slam in Albuquerque, we present our accomplishments as one of the most diverse, inclusive, & unique scenes in the country.
This data is a mere representation of just those few talented poets who each year worked & earned their way onto teams, won championships or coached. Since the first Poetry & Beer in 1992, thousands of Burque poets of myriad ages and identities, have hit the mic at our monthly shows, Grand Slams & Championships.
Such is the power of Poetry Slam: it’s art, it’s heart, it’s people, it’s fun, it’s enlightening, it’s necessary.
ABQ Slams enters its 25th year proud to carry on its mission: to embrace & honor our history of diversity and inclusion, produce professional poetry shows, providing Brave Spaces for underrepresented voices to speak & be listened to & be heard with open ears; to encourage our fellow Burqueños to create, spectate and perform poetry; and humbly continue Albuquerque Poetry Slam’s legacy as the premiere competitive spoken word troupe in the Southwest, if not the nation.