ABQ Slams Grand Slam Finalists

The following poets will be competing in next week’s Grand Slam Championship at The Outpost Performance Space: Khalid Binsunni Megan Young Damien Flores Mercedez Holtry Brooke Von Blomberg Don McIver Aaron Cuffee Mark Wright Gigi Bella Matthew Brown Last Chance Winner
ABQ Slams Grand Slam Championship

Slam Legend, Jason Carney, will host the ABQ Slams Grand Slam Championship at The Outpost Performance Space on March 28th. Doors @ 7PM Show @7:30 This show WILL sell out. Go to www.outpostspace.org for ticket information.
Last Chance Slam @ Final Friday 3/27

Join us for Last Chance Slam at Final Friday, Winning Coffee Co. The winner of the slam will get the last slot in the ABQ Slams Grand Slam the following night on 3-28 at The Outpost Performance Space. Get there early, space will be limited. Show starts at 7/7:30 Hosted by Jasmine Cuffee.
Women of the World Poetry Slam: Night 2

Bouts begin tonight at 7 and 9PM in Downtown Burque Stereo Bar Flying Star Downtown and Tricklock Performance Laboratory. Go to http://wowps2015.com for more info
Women of the World Poetry Slam: Night 1

Bouts begin tonight at 7 and 9PM in Downtown Burque The Draft Station will be our alternate venue in place of Stereo Bar. Flying Star Downtown and Tricklock Performance Laboratory. Go to http://wowps2015.com for more info
Women of the World Poetry Slam Last Chance Slam 3/18

This month’s Loboslam is cancelled so we can support The WOW Last Chance Slam @ Stereo Bar. And remember, The WOW Last Chance Slam is open to all self-identifying women. Burqueñas, go slam and win that last spot in WOWPS! Go to the Women of the World Poetry Slam website for more details.
Poetry and Beer @ Tractor Brewing Wells Park March 10th, 7 PM

You’re penultimate chance to qualify for the Albuquerque Poetry Slam Team! Open Mic, Slam, and maybe some other poetic nonsense. Hosted by Joe Romero.
Cancelled: Final Friday @ Winning Coffee

The Final Friday Poetry Slam is cancelled due to weather. Spread the word and stay warm.
Poetry and Beer @ Tractor Brewing Wells Park Featuring The Happy Gland Band

Join us for Poetry and Beer @ Tractor Wells Park on Tuesday, February 10th, 7PM Also just announced: The Happy Gland Band will be our featured performers around 7:30 Open Mic and one of your last chances to qualify for THE Albuquerque Poetry Slam Team. Hosted by Joseph Andres Romero.
Loboslam Championship at Final Friday W/ Manuel Gonzalez

The Final Friday Poetry Slam will host the Loboslam Championship on January 30th at Winning Coffee Co. Watch the best collegiate poets battle to represent Central New Mexico Community College and The University of New Mexico at CUPSI, The College Unions Poetry Slam. Out special guest feature will be Manuel Gonzalez, promoting his new book, […]